March – Women’s History Month

Week 1

I would like to honor not only women, but all individuals who on a daily basis rise from challenges. Rising means that we take an opportunity to reflect about where we are and where we want to be. Therefore, we are no longer stock but evolving.

Am I stuck? What is going on with me? Maybe I am not stuck, but evolving. I am evolving, building a new path that will strengthen that path, and creating more opportunities to make meaningful changes.

Sometimes prior to evolving there is a deep feeling of being stuck. It feels like nothing makes sense, we are bored, we question what we do and why we do it. I am going to choose to review my mindset to invite motivation and evolve. Boredom and questioning could be an invitation for change, not for criticism.

Week 2

This week I learned someone very special to me passed away. I also saw two friends who haven’t seen each other in a long time hug each other. When they initially saw each other, both seemed to open their arms and not sure whether a hug was an option or not.

In both situations my eyes filled with tears and I felt a warm sensation in my body. It is amazing how two different moments can cause a similar reaction. It got me thinking how when are evolving and we put our attention in our goals, we look at our strengths and weaknesses, and how important is to pay attention to the losses and gains of each journey. I strongly believe that when we pay attention to all that, we choose to appreciate who were are as a whole. As we gain and lose in the process, we create more opportunities to grow and evolve.

Week 3

Evolving as a process of growth means seeing the REAL truth of our thoughts, plans, feelings, relationships, fears, aspirations, and more! The truth of all these aspects can make us feel proud, optimistic, scared, embarrassed, sad, and so many other emotions.

Regardless of our reaction to the truth, we can’t deny that seeing our own “truth” involves taking ownership for our actions and feelings. It gives us the opportunity to take a deep look at what worked and what didn’t so we can create opportunities to heal, to succeed, to fall, and to stand up. Seeing our self-truth is evolving.