Online Therapy
Sometimes, it’s just too hard.
You want to get to your session, but it’s just so far to your therapist’s office. The traffic is maddening, and that commute is just wasted time on the road – time you don’t have. You love your therapist but wish she were closer.
You know therapy’s important, but just once, it would be heaven if you could get a session in on your lunch break or after work or – wait for it – after the kids are asleep.
You need your therapy session, but your physical pain or limitations are more than you can handle right now. Why can’t therapists make house calls?
You understand the importance of your sessions, but you don’t always understand what your therapist is telling you. It would be amazing if you could get your session in your first language.
Sounds good – maybe too good. How does this online therapy work?
What is it?
Online therapy refers to the use of the Internet, in this case, secured video conferencing, to provide professional mental health counseling.
How does it work?
I use an app called Telehealth by Simple Practice to ensure that our session is confidential.
It’s quick and easy to install, available for both Android and iPhone, and best of all, it’s free!
How do I get started?
- Download the free app. You don’t even need an account or password!
- When we schedule a session, you will receive an email with a link “Join Video Call,” unique to you and your appointment time.
- You’ll receive a reminder link again 24 hours prior to our appointment. When you click on the link, it will automatically open the app.
- You’ll see the WELCOME message. Click “Enter Video Room,” and I’ll be there!